Sessions from this week
Cool dude. This guy was laid back and just took the photography beating of me making him "pose." He really liked it when his friend drove by and honked at him :)
Jessica and Coby.Engagement Session
We had fun on the tandem bike and with Coby's blue '69 (I think) Camero.
Cool dude. This guy was laid back and just took the photography beating of me making him "pose." He really liked it when his friend drove by and honked at him :)

Jessica and Coby.Engagement Session
We had fun on the tandem bike and with Coby's blue '69 (I think) Camero.
Fashionista from Allen, Tx drove in to get senior pictures with me today. We had a BLAST.
Labels: Engagments/Weddings
Ohhhhhh!!! LOVE Kevin in the chair- awesome Cristy! :o)
You look ADORABLE on the bike!! What fun!
NIce shots girl! im enamored!
I think Ben and I are going to need to invest in a tandem bike!! I think everyone should actually. It was a fun mini-adventure :)
I can't wait to share more from Jourdyn's session too.
Very cool! I love the tandem bike...and thanks for the tips about it. I am getting ready to do some stuff on a tandem bike! Should be interesting!
I love the one of Jess and Coby! That's so cool you did their pics!
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