

Words of Wisdom

I wanted to share a few highlighted points of the Daniel bible study for today:

As a christian, you are a holy vessel.
Never think you are not good or honorable enough to be a holy vessel.
"We too are holy vessels in the house of the Lord" (2 Timothy 2:20-21)
"Do not corrupt your holy vessel (your body) with words or actions. Believe in yourself."
Did you know that if you believe Jesus Christ is Lord, you are considered a Saint?
Me, a saint? Are you sure? Absolutely, God says so.
If you are insecure, prideful, jealous, or angry you are not allowing yourself to be a holy vessel. We allow ourselves to feel this way because we don't look at ourselves as holy.
Beloved, as Beth Moore would say, you are holy. Believe it.Feel it.Know it.
God loves you unfailingly!


Blogger Toni said...

Thanks Cristy.

6:28 AM  

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