Visiting with dear friends
Brooklyn and Zoe
Max sharing his sucker with mom (Danica)
Zoe being a model
Sweet Leyton

Zoe and Max having a sucker sword fight. It was really funny b/c it was Zoe's idea to have the sucker sword fight, but when Zoe's sucker broke into tiny little pieces she began to cry.
Max being his happy little self
The lovely Brooklyn checking out what color to lick
Max driving the golf cart or as he says "go cot" (say this with an African clicking sound)

At the beginning of June Ben and I drove to the lovely Cloudcroft, NM to visit some of my dearest friends and their families. Danica, my best friend and "my sister" and her husband Greg, and their sweet little boy Max came home from Russia to visit with family and friends this summer. I haven't seen Danica since she we was pregnant with Max. It was a much need time with them. We also were lucky to see her sister, Maren, who is also one of my dearest friends and "sisters." Maren's husband, Blair, and their kids Brooklyn, Zoe, and Leyton were their too.

When I was in high school, they were in college and took me under their wing and treated me like a little sister. So from then on, they have pampered me and loved on me like sisters and I hold their friendship so near and dear to my heart.
We stayed at Danica and Maren's parents cabin in Cloudcroft and they fed us the most wonderful food.
I so wish we could have had longer, but I know there will be one day when we can all be back together with Ben and I joining in on the "chase the baby" game.
Labels: friends
Cristy these pictures are adorable!! My favorite is the one of Zoe barely starting to lick her gigantically colorful lollipop!! All them are great though!! I'm glad you had so much fun. :)
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